Just in time for the bank holiday weekend! With a virtual hop across the water to meet Jordan, husband Nolan, parents to Rozalyn and foster children.
Through your daily steps around your home we’d love to know..
How your day begins..
Right now we are in the process of transitioning our almost seven month old from our bedside bassinet to her crib in the nursery with a bit of sleep training. My husband and I currently take turns sleeping on a foam pad in her nursery at night to tend to her and help her adjust. Our rooms aren’t on the same floor so we prefer to be closer to her during this transition phase- less stair climbing at 3am 😊. Let’s just say we are both pretty tired these days but each night gets easier and easier! We hope to have her fully transitioned in a couple of weeks (or days, fingers crossed!). We took the Taking Cara Babies sleep classes before she was born and that has helped so much.

My husband jets off to work very early and I work from home full-time so I have a bit more flexibility. Usually, I wake up with our daughter and nurse her, change her diaper, and start off with a lot of morning snuggles because she LOVES to cuddle and wakes up very calm and happy. We then venture downstairs to make breakfast.

Rozalyn is very intuitive and loves to watch me cook from her highchair. We have begun baby-led-weening, so she enjoys eating avocados, eggs, and banana in the morning (and just about anything else we put in front of her!). I like to keep her upright for at least 30 minutes after eating so I usually set her in her Skip Hop activity center while I take a few minutes to get ready for the day.

I make a cup of coffee, wash my face and apply the Jentry Kelley “Cute in Carpool” makeup set- it only takes about five minutes to put on but makes me feel fresh and at least somewhat put together, even if my hair hasn’t been washed and is on its fifth day of dry shampoo- ha! It is just enough makeup to make me feel confident enough for a full day of Zoom meetings.

Rozalyn loves watching me put on my makeup and brush my teeth- I think she just likes the noise of the Sonicare toothbrush. The activity center keeps her busy for the 20 minutes or so that I need to get ready and by the time I’m done it’s now about 90 minutes from when she first woke up and she’s ready for her first nap.

Thankfully, she goes down rather easily for her naps so I simply close the shades, turn on her sound machine, give her her lovey, pacifier and a kiss, place her in her crib and close the door. I then keep an eye on her using the Infant Optics baby monitor. I go to my office in our loft and begin checking emails and preparing for the workday.

We are blessed to have a very supportive and loving family so my mother comes to pick Rozalyn up after her morning nap (which usually lasts anywhere between 30 minute to an hour and fifteen minutes) and keeps her at her home until Nolan picks her up on his way home from work at about 4:30.
Where is your favourite little spot in your home right now?
Rozalyn’s bathroom! She loves bath time and I loved designing this space. I splurged on the tile but it makes such a statement. If you could only see what this bathroom looked like before- it was awful! It had purple carpet, a teeny tiny shower meant for an RV and it was so crammed. We knocked down some walls and it’s now one of my favourite spaces.

Where do you find your inspiration or time to think?
I am very organised and like to make lots of lists so I enjoy my workspace area. I keep it clean and super organized which is easy because of the most amazing, spacious desk!
What would be your top 3 nursery styling tips or best baby buys?
1. Pick a classic and timeless crib and dresser that will work with various styles and even future kiddos. As soon as I saw the Hampshire Olive crib and dresser from Crate & Barrel, I knew I had found the right pieces for our nursery. I also chose a neutral rug, curtains, rocker/recliner, and changing table. We did not find out the gender of our baby but I was confident that I could use these pieces regardless of gender. I chose to keep the décor to a minimum and leave the walls a bright white (Sherwin Williams Pure White) until our little bundle of joy arrived.

2. After you’ve picked the classic staple items- this is when you can have some fun with bold patterns or funky colours that are more trendy. Items like crib sheets, wall decals, wallpaper, shelves, vases etc. are affordable and fairly easy to change/update over the years. I am OBSESSED with our big bold Eden Floral Decals from Urban Decals, they were super easy to apply and they make a huge statement- while also blending beautifully with her furniture.
3. Spend the money on higher quality items if they are items you are going to use every single day- that way you won’t have to replace them and can hopefully use them again and again if you have more children.
Some of my top baby best buys:
Snuggle Me Organic Lounger: https://snugglemeorganic.com/collections/lounger-bundles/products/natural-bundle
Elvie Breast Pump: https://www.elvie.com/en-us/shop/elvie-pump?gclid=Cj0KCQjwka_1BRCPARIsAMlUmEow8QHEI_shE6MshNbYTNs0azi8BZkd0PX2jZxHTfgHGJ6xY4lK-_QaAiz1EALw_wcB c.
UppaBaby Vista Stroller & Carseat: https://www.littlesproutonline.com/2020-uppababy-vista-v2-mesa-car-seat/
Comotomo Baby Bottles- these are seriously the best! I have turned about a dozen mamas onto these. https://www.amazon.com/Comotomo-Bottle-Green-Ounce-Count/dp/B009QXDE32
Finally if you would recommend one product home or baby and a baby store which one would you recommend and why.
Neither my husband nor I are into electronics, in fact, we didn’t own a television for the first 5 years of our marriage! We prefer to be active, outside, and taking adventures. We do not want our kids sitting in front of screens all day so we try to stick with Montessori- type toys to keep Rozalyn engaged, focused, and learning. She loves them and never acts bored- she’s developed so many skills by practicing on these basic toys. I highly recommend the Lovevery play kits and other toys that adapt and grow with your child. The Lovevery toy gym eventually converts to become a fun little tent. They also provide the parents with tips and advice on how to engage with your baby in a way that encourages learning and bonding. I can’t say enough good things about their products!

Thank you for sharing your day with us and you beautiful home! The product links below are also super helpful!
Googlicious Baby Loves @convenantcottage
Crib Mattress Protector: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CSW2N3M?colid=220UGDUKD0LV9&coliid=I1LXPEBCCESRZQ&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link Crib
Dresser: https://www.crateandbarrel.com/kids-hampshire-6-drawer-olive-green-dresser/s328451 Changing Table: https://www.wayfair.com/baby-kids/pdp/little-seeds-monarch-hill-ivy-changing-table-w002966481.html
Changing Pad (Color Vanilla): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KSW970Y/ref=twister_B077NXXXB9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Rocker/Recliner (Color Ivory): https://www.crateandbarrel.com/babyletto-kiwi-ivory-power-recliner-glider/s585126?localedetail=US&a=1552&campaignid=1747120687&adgroupid=67185340303&targetid=aud-299140153353:pla-332656221054&pla_sku=585126&pcat=HSW&ag=baby&scid=scplp585126&sc_intid=585126&gclid=Cj0KCQjwka_1BRCPARIsAMlUmEoUNQqVyzvXQ5Mrv3ZNjiFXNDEhBeIpFIRGaaRjqjoqmFF5cXYhQ7YaAkSKEALw_wcB
Rug: https://www.rugsusa.com/rugsusa/rugs/rugs-usa-diamond-textured-trellis-tassel/Ivory/200APPE01A-P.html Mirror: https://www.worldmarket.com/product/large-round-natural-wood-wall-mirror.do?sortby=ourPicks
Wall Decals: https://uwdecals.com/products/eden-decals
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree: https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/fiddle-leaf-fig-tree
Planter: https://www.worldmarket.com/product/brass-planter-with-stand.do?sortby=ourPicks&from=Search
Activity Center: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VDP9EB2?colid=220UGDUKD0LV9&coliid=I2CIZWTV3FMIPK&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
Sleep Class: https://takingcarababies.com/
Jentry Kelley Cute in Carpool: https://www.jentrykelley.com/cute-in-carpoolhtml.html
Baby Monitor: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ECHYTBIcolid=220UGDUKD0LV9&coliid=I3BKPFPPZZVOX8&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
Sound Machine: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XMRCC94?colid=220UGDUKD0LV9&coliid=I24IFDA7CH26EQ&ref=br_ADD_TO_CART_title_link
Bathtub: Wall Tile: https://www.flooranddecor.com/available-in-store-only/valentino-white-square-polished-marble-mosaic-100051788.html
Floor Tile: https://www.flooranddecor.com/ceramic-tile/levante-white-ii-matte-ceramic-tile-100651041.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwka_1BRCPARIsAMlUmErhsfcZ_35anZFR0Db3A-KxeW2JxW-FyzFvhIpmVwKZEpVNWg68aKwaAq_PEALw_wcB
Office wallpaper: https://www.grahambrown.com/us/helice-silver-wallpaper/103164-master.html#start=1&cgid=silver
Office Desk: https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/greyleigh-sanderlin-solid-wood-executive-desk-w002845015.html
Office Chair: https://www.jossandmain.com/furniture/pdp/leaman-ergonomic-executive-chair-j000569758.html?piid=1433471582